Friday, January 20, 2012

How To Catch A Steelhead With Every Cast

By Robert R Smith If you believe this is going to happen at this time of year I suggest that you just stay home where it's nice and warm, relax, and think about the coming months when the Steelhead fishing here in Idaho really picks up. However if you want to try your luck out on the river you can still catch some nice Steelhead from the end of December through the middle of February, you just need to remember to be persistent. The Steelhead this time of year have moved into the deeper hold pools waiting for the water temperature and condition to change signaling its time to continue their trip to the spawning beds. This time of year requires patience, persistence and a good amount of luck, some fisherman call the latter skill, however most Steelhead fishermen know that when fishing in these tough winter conditions we will take luck over skill every time. You need to change your fishing style this time of year to be successful and here are a few tips to help you out some. o Don't concentrate on the tail end of the hole like you would when fishing in the early fall move up stream and fish the deeper slower moving section of the hole. o Dress warm as this time of year is brutal if you're not prepared, and you won't put in the time needed if you're not able to at least tolerate the weather conditions. o Drift through the same spot numerous times as the Steelhead have become somewhat lethargic do to the cold water temperatures and they really don't want to have to chase anything. o Switch up your lure colors and don't be afraid to try something different Steelhead become very persnickety so give them something different. o Keep your bait and lures small this is one of the most common mistakes Steelhead fisherman make during this time of year. o Slow your presentation down as much as you can remember that the Steelhead have slowed down also. o Try new or different spots concentrating on deep slow moving holes. o Should you be fortunate enough to hook a Steelhead remember the spot where you hooked into him and keep on working that spot as Steelhead like to pool up together. I have been Chasing Steelhead for over 35 years here in Idaho and yes you can catch some nice Steelhead when most Fishermen have put their rods up waiting for warmer weather and more active fish. Just follow the simple steps above and you to can enjoy one of the most peaceful times on the river and even hook into quite a few steelhead. By: RR Smith Article Source: Article Source:

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