By Richard Blackmon
Fly fishing is considered a sport or a hobby by some, and an art form by others. For others, fly fishing is almost a religion. Their favorite fishing holes are kept secret.
Call it anything you like, it is a pleasurable pastime based in beautiful surroundings, and built on the camaraderie of the anglers themselves, the oceans, lakes and rivers they fish, and the beautiful fish they pursue.
Some anglers are able to fish only as weekend warriors. They are happy to run into a fish or two on a holiday fishing trip with friends or kids (As long as the kids know enough to keep quiet. Others are die-hard trout bums, who dedicate most of their days to tying flies and dissecting the hatches and underwater traits of their favorite fishing sites.
For those who consider themselves avid fly fishers, the sport is a refreshing escape from the daily rigors of everyday life. A meditative and even spiritual passion those who do not fish have a hard time understanding. It can be a great stress reliever. In the times of stress, the sport is so relaxing they don't care whether they catch anything or not. There is a difference between fishing and catching.
But for those who understand, there is nothing better than the push and pull of a fly line, and the sight of a fish rising to take that fly you just placed so perfectly.
The trout is the target of most, although the anglers may fly fish for everything from large mouth bass to big-game saltwater species like marlin, tarpon and even sharks. If it will take the fly, they are willing to cast it.
There are thousands of species of saltwater and freshwater fish, and the International Game Fish Association monitors the size and weight of the catch, keeping records.
American fly fishermen spend most of their time pursuing trout, particularly the rainbow trout species . The other types of trout other types of trout include the golden trout and the steelhead trout, brown trout, brook trout and lake trout.
Fly fishing gear is always changing, and with the fly rod, reel and line remaining a staple in fly fishing.
Fly anglers also are notorious for the dozens of different knots they use, many of which correlate with the type of fly line, leader and tippet
Fly fishing also can be an expensive hobby, with typical fly rods and reels typically costing more than $100 apiece. Anglers, however, can usually find a bargain if they know where to look and the internet and search engines have made them easier to find.
Fishermen will tell you there is no wrong time or place to use a fly rod, as long as fishermen are following the current national and state rules and regulations.
You can fish everywhere from the open ocean to mountain creeks or lakes. In fact, many fly fishermen practice their craft at home, honing their casting skills on the front lawn or at the local park. Ted Williams, the Hall of Fame baseball player was a world class fly fisherman. He would practice his casting using a bucket in his yard.
Fly fishing has caught on everywhere, whether it is fishing on a road trip through and in U.S. National Parks such as Yosemite. They will go after after peacock bass in the Amazon River, or hunting for carp in Europe.
Fly fishing is extremely popular in the Western U.S., thanks in part to the warm weather, river conservation and accessibility and a strong outdoors heritage, and the numerous mountains and streams therein.
Fly Fishing Techniques
Fly fishing techniques can change from season to season, fishery to fisher, and even hour to hour depending on the hatch and when different insects are present on and in the water.
In general, river trout, the most popular game fish of fly fishers, feed in four different zones of the water, but can be found on or near the bottom about 75 percent of the time.
That makes nymph fishing (below the surface) with bottom-dwelling insects a popular approach. But when temperatures rise, some insects make their way to the surface making this a good time for dry patterns.
Fly fishing techniques vary, and every angler has their own style or method of fishing, so the best advice for novice fly fishermen is to be patient when trying to hone their skills.
Practice makes perfect, especially when working your casting technique.
Tying flies and caring for your rod, reel and lines during your downtime and during the time of the year when fishing is not possible, will also help make your next fishing trip a successful one.
My name is Rick and I am a computer geek. I have worked on and around computers for over 40 years. I have been involved in retail sales and am currently involved in internet marketing. At the current time I am involved in promoting my new website for my 10 year old grandson, Rowdy. It is http://fishingrodandreelstore.com/blog Rowdy is my 10 year old grandson and is a nut about fishing. He would go anytime, anywhere. He has already learned to stretch the size of fish he catches.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Richard_Blackmon
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